ENASP Documents
Here you can find all documents of ENASP.
You can download them as PDF.
Members´ best practice examples
We would like to present you here current best practice examples of the members:
- KRUS: eKRUS Farmer Portal PDF, 508 KB
- SVS: SVS invests 2023 sustainably in prevention PDF, 212 KB
- KRUS: Safe Farmer, Safe Countryside – KRUS’s new prevention project PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 559 KB
- KRUS: "KRUS in figures" – the new booklet of KRUS as an example of good practice PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 128 KB
- SVLFG: App "Stockfibel to go" increases safety when felling trees PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 582 KB
- SVS: SVS launches a new prevention initiative PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 478 KB
- SVLFG: Fewer fractures of the femur due to "Trittsicher" PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 481 KB
- SVLFG: „Vaccination protects you and others!“: Films for seasonal workers PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 484 KB
- MSA: AIDANT'Plus Guide PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 565 KB
- SVLFG: Successful prevention work - Fewer accidents at work, fewer accidental deaths PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 496 KB
- MSA: Prevention Appointments for young retirees PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 492 KB
- KRUS: Activities for the health and safety of farmers PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 634 KB
- SVLFG: Web app PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 456 KB
- SVLFG: Self-Check PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 465 KB
Recent comments and consultation contributions
Below you can download the recent comments and consultation contributions:
- ENASP´s Contribution to the GREEN PAPER ON AGEING: Fostering solidarity and responsibility between generations PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 157 KB
- ENASP’s Contribution: Long term vision for rural areas PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 118 KB
- ENASP´s Feedback: Health & Safety at Work – EU Strategic Framework (2021-2027) PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 47.5 KB
ISSA Webinar: Rural workers and social security in Europe
On 07.04.2022, the ISSA European Network held a webinar on social protection in agriculture. The presentations of the ENASP Secretariat, KRUS, Mela and MSA can be found here.
- Dr. Erich Koch: Overview of specific social protection in countries with agricultural insurance systems PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 362 KB
- PR Jean-Marc Soulat: MSA’s Scientific Project to meet the challenges of social protection in agriculture PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 808 KB
- Päivi Wallin: Social Security and Farmers/Rural Workers in Finland PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 497 KB
- Magdalena Wachnicka-Witzke: The Agricultural Social Insurance Fund Comprehensive social insurance services for farmers in Poland PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 713 KB